Your account is billed on a periodic cycle. You will have a start reading and an end reading. The difference between the two is your electricity usage for that period. Your usage is then multiplied by the tariff rate to arrive at a n$ value.

Example: start reading – 1st = 33 179 kwh end reading – 30th = 34 029 kwh usage for 30 days= 850 kwh

Calculations The 1st 250 units x 1.56 = n$390.00 Next 500 units x 1.68 = n$840.00 The remaining 100 units x 2.06 = n$206.00 Basic charges 40amps x 8.00 = n$320.00 Ecb levy – 850 x 0.0150 = n$12.75 Nef levy – 850 x 0.0108 = n$9.18 Total for the month = n$1 777.93

Note: (not applicable to industrial & time of use tariffs. The basic charge used in this example does not apply to uis)