

How do I report an electricity outage or fault?2017-06-27T14:24:45+01:00

Erongo RED has established a call center that is available during office hours and standby electrician for after hours to attend to the customers queries. Electricity outages and faults can be lodged with the call centre at 081 9600 (toll free number) or email: support@erongored.com.na Be sure to obtain a reference number from the operator when logging a fault. This can be used to track the status of your query and all related remedial activities. Note: restoration times vary considerably and are dependent on the nature of the electrical fault incurred.

How do I report a street light fault?2017-02-08T11:59:44+02:00

All electricity outages, power trips and street light faults can be lodged with our call centre or customer care office or our local electrician. For all our contact details please see the list at page 25 of this booklet. Please remember to provide all relevant information when reporting any electrical fault. Relevant information should include the following:

  • street name
  • erf and gate number
  • your full name and contact details
  • town and suburb
  • description of the fault
  • pole number (for street light fault)

Note: restoration times vary considerably and are dependent on the nature of the electrical fault incurred. Also please, make sure to obtain a reference number from the call centre agent when logging a fault. This can be used to track the status of your query and all related remedial activities.

How is my account calculated?2017-02-08T11:58:51+02:00

Your account is billed on a periodic cycle. You will have a start reading and an end reading. The difference between the two is your electricity usage for that period. Your usage is then multiplied by the tariff rate to arrive at a n$ value.

Example: start reading – 1st = 33 179 kwh end reading – 30th = 34 029 kwh usage for 30 days= 850 kwh

Calculations The 1st 250 units x 1.56 = n$390.00 Next 500 units x 1.68 = n$840.00 The remaining 100 units x 2.06 = n$206.00 Basic charges 40amps x 8.00 = n$320.00 Ecb levy – 850 x 0.0150 = n$12.75 Nef levy – 850 x 0.0108 = n$9.18 Total for the month = n$1 777.93

Note: (not applicable to industrial & time of use tariffs. The basic charge used in this example does not apply to uis)

What do i do if I do not receive my electricity account?2017-02-08T11:55:05+02:00

In the unlikely event that you do not receive your electricity account, please call 064 214 680. You could also visit one of our customer care office to query the outstanding amount for payment and request a copy of the current invoice if required.

Where can I pay my electricity account?2017-02-08T11:54:21+02:00

Payment for electricity services can only be made at the Erongo RED customers care offices. Please see the list of all our customer care offices. Payments can also be done via internet banking, direct debit or by means of cheques.

What can I do if i suspect my meter is faulty?2017-02-08T11:52:51+02:00

If you suspect that your meter reading is not in accordance with your consumption as a result of a meter fault, you may request for a meter test to be carried out. This process is subject to a meter test fee. Please contact one of our customer care offices for further advice and information.

How do I terminate my account?2017-02-08T11:51:15+02:00

Please visit one of our customer service centres to terminate your account. Please inform us in advance prior to the effective termination date as we need to arrange for the final meter reading and finalisation of your account. Application form to ‘Disconnect Electricity Services’ download and print or download, complete and submit online

How do I register with Erongo RED as electrical contractor?2017-02-08T11:45:19+02:00

All electrical installations connected or intended to be connected to the Erongo RED network must be done by duly qualified and registered electrical contractors. Such registration is only valid for one year. For further information please contact Rudolf Ouseb at the Walvis Bay Technical office on 064 217 600.

Can I change to a pre-paid meter?2017-06-27T14:24:45+01:00

Yes, you would need to ensure that a prepayment token vendor is suitably located near you to prevent inconvenience when you do run out of electricity. Currently Erongo RED has agreement with vendors in various towns and settlements in within its area of supply to sell electricity to consumers. It is advisable not to convert to pre-paid if you use over 800 units per month. Application to apply for a pre-paid meter download and print or download, complete and submit online

Pre-payment meters will especially be beneficial to the poorer communities since it will allow them to manage their electricity more efficiently. When will Erongo RED implement pre-payment meters and which customers will qualify for such meters? Also, what are the cost implications thereof?2017-02-08T11:37:25+02:00

To ensure proper management in the provision of electricity for prepayment service Erongo RED needed to implement a centralised vending system. This will allow customers to vend at any available point of sale in the Erongo Region.

To this end a tender for the provision of a centralised vending system was advertised and awarded. A second tender for the provision of STS compliant prepayment meters was advertised and awarded. The centralised system has now been installed and Erongo RED is ready to install new meters for new applicants. Erongo RED has also taken over the various existing prepayment systems used in the past for the provision of prepayment electricity.

Until these systems have been harmonised over the next year in order for the same rules to apply throughout the Erongo Region, the existing rules for applying for pre-payment meters will remain. All existing non-STS prepayment meters will be replaced by Erongo RED at no cost to the customer. New applications will have to pay Erongo RED’s standard fee.

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